Latest Past Events

Celebration Singers Public Concert

Holy Family Catholic Church 950 Church Ave., Jasper

Celebration Singers will present a program featuring a mix of spiritual, patriotic, and familiar standards.

Strassenfest Parade

Downtown Jasper

  An annual favorite, don’t miss the exciting Jasper Strassenfest Parade, sponsored by the Optimist Club of Jasper!  Find a printable parade entries list HERE. Entries will have the opportunity to win the following awards: Chairman’s award…business float that exhibits best overall excellence Parade Marshall’s award.…non-business float that exhibits best overall excellence Strassenfest award…best reinforcement of German theme Heart […]

Das Glockenspiel Performance

Glockenspiel Stage

The live action Glockenspiel starts at the top of the hour with a child ringing the bell as other children pop out to perform "Strassenfest Favorite Things"