Latest Past Events

Strassenfest Parade

Downtown Jasper

  An annual favorite, don’t miss the exciting Jasper Strassenfest Parade, sponsored by the Optimist Club of Jasper!  Find a printable parade entries list HERE. Entries will have the opportunity to win the following awards: Chairman’s award…business float that exhibits best overall excellence Parade Marshall’s award.…non-business float that exhibits best overall excellence Strassenfest award…best reinforcement of German theme Heart […]

Dubois County Museum Celebrates 25 Years in 2024

Dubois County Museum

The Dubois County Museum is your stop featuring the complete collection of Strassenfest booklets, buttons and mugs of all the past years. Be sure to check out the new exhibit on the history of our county’s many woodworking businesses that had its grand opening this spring. During the month of August, the museum will have […]

Das Glockenspiel Performance

Glockenspiel Stage

The live action Glockenspiel starts at the top of the hour with a child ringing the bell as other children pop out to perform "Strassenfest Favorite Things"